Coronavirus Update: Our Commitment To You

Striving to protect patients and staff, we have opted for N-95 masks and gloves for all patient interactions. Though information is sketchy, and testing is widely unavailable now, many decisions have to be based on experience and the probable consequences as supported by observation and experiences in China and Italy. Many members of my specialty have been infected and some have died. Though the risks will never be zero, we intend to minimize it as much as possible.

We screen patients for cough and fever, and see patients immediately to prevent waiting room transference. We minimize procedures that may result in aerosolizing the viruses that have been found to reside in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. We have, in accordance with CDC and the Academy of Otolaryngology recommendations, cancelled all elective surgery. I have always used nasal pledgets rather than spraying decongestants and topical anesthetics in the nose. This lessens the risk of dissemination of viral particles.



The exam rooms are thoroughly wiped down with antiseptics, including the chairs and trashcans.
We arrange to get patients in as expeditiously as possible and, if possible, the same day to avoid clogging an already overburdened hospital ER.

Our mission is to deliver personal first-class service in a safe environment in spite of the existing difficulties.