Voice disorders can be problematic and cause you to have difficulty communicating with others. Your voice might quiver, be rough or hoarse, whispery or weak if you have a voice disorder. There are some common causes of voice disorders, including Muscle tension dysphonia, Laryngitis, and neurological voice disorders, such as spasmodic dysphonia, polyps, nodules, or cysts on the vocal cords. Voice disorders treatment is available and may vary depending on severity. Surgery, medicines, lifestyle changes, and medications are available. Speech therapy is also an option, but it is best to be seen and diagnosed by a doctor first. Dr. Madison Richardson is a skilled and experienced physician in Beverly Hills. If you are experiencing voice disorders, or difficulty speaking, contact Dr. Madison Richardson to schedule an appointment today.

Your larynx, or voice box, is composed of cartilage, along with mucus and muscle membrane that’s at the top of your windpipe. The actual cords of your vocals are a pair of bands that are highly flexible and located at the beginning of your windpipe. Sound is created by the cords vibrating against each other. The vibration occurs from wind moving throughout the voice box, which brings the vocal cords together. The vocal cords assist in closing the voicebox during swallowing as well, this helps to stop liquid or food from being inhaled.
When voice disorders develop, the main cause is typically inflammation, growths, or paralyzation causing them to not work properly.
The most common voice disorders are:
- Muscle Tension Dysphonia
- Voice disorders from neurological sources
- Laryngitis
- Vocal cord paralysis
- Vocal cord nodules, cysts, or polyps
- Leukoplakia white patches
- Precancerous lesions Precancerous lesions
There are certain situations that can increase the possibility to develop a voice disorder, such as:
- Allergies
- Gastro reflux diseases (GERD)
- Increased age
- Thyroid issues
- Consuming alcohol
- Neurological diseases and issues
- Respiratory sicknesses and colds or infections
- Raised volume (such as a scream)
- Clearing your throat improperly for a long time
- Stress on the psyche
- Dehydrated throat
- Throat cancer
- Trauma or surgery scarring on the front of your neck
- Being a smoker
- Overusing or misusing your voice
- Cancer of the throat
If you believe that you are experiencing any of the above symptoms or have a heightened risk for a voice disorder, you should contact Dr. Richardson as soon as possible to schedule your appointment.
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